Agreed. It is time for Christians to reclaim our languishing heritage: creation itself is a gift given to us by the Living God.

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Judson, I know this post is old, but this is the most appropriate place, I think, for the comment/question I have. I write a Substack called Whole and Holy, which is primarily geared towards wives and mothers, and am wanting to add some content on nutrition, physical wellness, etc. Jenny duBay recommended I reach out to you on this topic. Would you consider writing a guest post for me about Christian herbal nutrition/medicine for women/wives/mothers? I just subscribed to your newsletter, so you should be able to grab my email if you're interested in discussing specifics. Thanks for your consideration.

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Sure - thanks for asking and thanks to Jenny. If you would like to email me at southernappalachianherbs@gmail.com, and let me know what you are looking for - word count, basic topics you want covered, etc... I'll be glad to!

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Do you sell direct or only on Amazon? (We are trying to do less on Amazon as Bezos supports non-Christian causes.)

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I understand. Right now, print copies are only available on amazon. But, you can order ebooks (.pdf) directly from me through my blog https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/ Thanks!

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